Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Industrial Estates

Industrials Estates aren't known for their humanity so all the better when one finds some there, and not just from one person, but from three.

I was at Staples Corner, not the shop (and not Staples Centre in L.A.!) but the trading estate of that name at a hardware store, Toolstation for those interested.  Directly opposite Toolstation is a Safestore and then a few hundred metres away is a Big Yellow Storage.

Years ago, when I needed some extra storage during a move, I took out a unit at Big Yellow Storage it worked very well.  

Since then, there seem to be storage places all over the shop so I figured/hoped that they would be really competitively priced now.

Since I was already parked, I went over to Safestore to enquire of their rates/deals and so on since I shortly might be needing some storage space again.

I was welcomed by three of the smiliest, jolliest people you could hope for; Ayolla, Karlos and Jamie, the Manager.

They turned getting a quote for a mundane thing (for a bad reason) in to a wholly enjoyable affair, so a big thumbs up
thumbs upand thank you to the three of them.

Fast forward, and it's now time to use the storage.  As well as speaking to Karlos and Jamie again, and a little wave to Ayolla, I was looked after by Mali, the Assistant Manager.  
Well obviously Safestore Staples Corner breeds lovely, friendly folk because Mali was also super and as well as a thank you and thumbs upthumbs up for her help she also introduced me to Humans of London so thanks for that too.

Helping me move all my stuff I also lucked out,* using Adam and his company The London Man & Van Service, (no website but happy to give you his number if you ask).

Adam is from Iraq and he and Joseph couldn't have been more helpful or made the work easier.  They are based in North West London but happy to work all over, and indeed I used them for a pick up from Kingston-upon-Thames.  So a big thank you and thumbs up  thumbs up To Adam and Joseph.

Also, while writing, a thank you and thumbs up without a name or pictures as yet again, I forgot until it was too late.

There is a small Tesco in Weedon, right at the junction of the A5 and the A45.  Normally the last place I'd stop for some really nice flowers for a present but we were en route for a last minute visit and there was no choice if I didn't want to arrive empty handed, (which I didn't).

The flowers on display on the Saturday morning were not inspiring and I feared the worse, thinking chocolates it might be, but I thought it was worth asking.  I found a girl stocking the dairy shelves and she couldn't have been more helpful.  Yes, they had had a delivery, no it was no trouble to go and see what was there and bring them all out.  Which was what she promptly did with so many smiles it was a pleasure waiting.

photo: Hazel Nicholson, used under a creative commons licence
Then to top things off, and remember this is a Tesco Express not a florists, she found some paper so that the bunches of tulips I had selected could come out of the fuel station plastic wrapping and all be put together in a lovely big bunch wrapped in paper.

Thank you and thumbs upthumbs up kind person and if you see this and remember serving me, it really was appreciated.  Thanks.

As always, if you would like to write a post to thank someone or tell us something nice that happened just get in touch and we would love to hear from you and to spread the thanks.  You don't have to know how to do the formatting and stuff, we'll help you with all that.  Thanks.

* have realised that "lucked out" means the opposite in the USA, here it means I was lucky so hope that makes it clear for our stateside readers.