Wednesday 30 October 2013

A guest post from Kevin Bampton - CHRISTMAS IS COMING! (Ahem. Sorry.)

It’s become much more exciting now that I have children.

It also requires more planning.

There are lists to be compiled from the seemingly random requests and suggestions from my 6 year old boy and four year old girl. Then there’s the question of what do we think our two year old girl would like that is not currently amongst the hand-me-downs from her older siblings.

Once we have our three lists we thin them out. The plastic tat and passing fads carefully removed, in what is nothing less than parental censorship, we are left with a collection of presents that will not drive us mad in the coming year. The items are then distributed by cost, availability and suitability to the various parties who will be spending actual money on these things.

Over the past six years the ‘problem’ of making it as easy as possible for my elderly parents to obtain said items has been solved by limiting the shopping to one store. So, armed with a printed and illustrated list they head off to Knight and Lee in Southsea.
Knight and Lee are owned by John Lewis and have been there as long as I can remember.
Each year they have approached a member of staff with a sheaf of A4. It has been taken from them and chairs found for them to sit, whilst various members of staff have set off through the toy department to find the required items of joy.

Once found (or ordered, with a promise of a phone call once in stock) and paid for, staff have carried the goods to the ground floor and helped obtain and load a taxi.

Each year it has been someone different doing this, so I have no names or photos. But each year the service has been consistently wonderful.

So, thank you staff at Knight and Lee for helping make Christmas shopping a lot easier for my parents and the whole process less of a worry for me.

I look forward to a similar tale from my Mum this year.

Have a fabulous festive season.

Editor's note - so a thumbs up to Knight & Lee from us too.

 Kevin Bampton - Portsmouth

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